It is easy to take one part of someone's teaching, and go True Religion sale off on a tangent. A tangent is an angle. And, many people have claimed to teach Christianity but were really off on their own little angle (not angel). Rather than being a Prophet, or one who proclaims God's whole Truth, they choose to be a Profit for their own little version of truth! It's really pretty easy to get off course.
Lately I've been hearing a lot of preaching about how to get to heaven: Go to church Pay your tithes Read your Bible Pray At the time of Jesus' life on earth, the dominant theological view of the Jewish theology was Deuteronomic theology! The short explanation is that good health, rain, good harvests and prosperity are all the gifts of God given to those who are righteous. And, sickness, blindness, deformities and poverty were the punishment of God for sin.
So, the Gospel is summed up when Jesus said: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. " (Luke 4. 18, 19)The Jewish religious leaders had excluded all those people: jailbirds, blind people, the poor and oppressed. Now the good news of the Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus is that these people are included; no longer excluded by religion.
Now, about those four points about being True Religion Canada a Christian: I think that the three points of the Prophet Micah are the core of what God requires of us. "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And, what does the lord God require of you? Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly before your God? " (Micah 6. 8)Justice is different from fairness. Fairness is subjective. God's justice is objective. Fairness is relative to how we feel. Justice is relative to God's righteousness. Micah is reminding us that how we treat others isn't to be based upon our feeling, but we are to act according to God's righteousness and justice. Fairness is about "me, me, me". Justice is about viewing people as God views them.
This is coupled with loving mercy. Our human nature loves to see other people punished. There is this perverse delight in passing along bad news about others. But, we are reminded to love mercy. Love it. Love mercy. When justice is tempered with mercy, God is honored. The third part of Micah's reminder is to walk humbly before God. "Walk" refers to lifestyle. "Humbly" is not about viewing ourselves as lowly worms, but it is about recognizing the awesome sovereignty and love of our Father, the Almighty God. We are to walk before Him, rather than trying to "sneak around behind His back". As if that were possible! But, part of the humble lifestyle is a recognition that nothing is secret from Him.
The most important thing that Jesus did for us spiritually was to restore our ability to have a relationship with our Creator. And, that relationship changes how we view and relate to other people. Jesus is a revolutionary. His teaching is counter-cultural. He exposes self life and offers eternal life in place of self. There isn't anything you can do to cause God to love you one bit more, or one bit less. He loves you with an everlasting, unchanging love. Dan Jenkins is an ordained minister, Entrepreneur, Internet businessman and author. His teaching website is.
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